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We have variety of science kits,equipments and materials.To buy science items,please send us a mail to our support id - support@young-scientist.in

YS Science Capsule

Young-Scientist sells variety of Science Kit which helps students to explore various science concepts using the kit. Every science kit is accompanied with an instruction manual and a You Tube video for reference. Following are the list of kits that are presently supplied by the Young-Scientist.in. Since our online store is not ready,your can order the kit directly by sending a mail to us.We will take bulk order of the kits as well.

1. YS Stick Bomb
8+NAClick Here
2. YS Prism Pod
8+Pre-OrderClick Here
3.YS Lens Pod8+Pre-OrderClick Here
4.YS Darkness Detector10+Pre-OrderClick Here
5.YS Musical Pod10+Pre-OrderClick Here
6.YS Knight Rider11+Pre-OrderClick Here
7.YS Robotics Kit12+Pre-OrderClick Here
8.YS Wind Mill8+Pre-OrderClick Here
9.YS Magnetic Pod7+Pre-OrderNA
10.YS Extension Cord12+Pre-OrderNA
11.YS Investigator Pod4+Pre-OrderNA
12.YS Explorer Pod4+Pre-OrderNA
13.YS Slimy Slime6+Pre-OrderClick Here
14.YS Blue Bottle Magic6+NAClick Here
15.YS Solar Pod5+NAClick Here
16.YS Chem Lab Apparatus6+Pre-OrderNA
17.YS Acids and Bases8+Pre-OrderNA
18.YS Clap Circuit10+Pre-OrderNA
Showing entries (filtered from total entries)


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